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How to Hit a Low-Flight Golf Shot (Stinger Shot) Like Tiger Woods

by 샛별73 2025. 3. 13.

1. Introduction

Tiger Woods’ signature low-flight golf shot, known as the "stinger shot," is incredibly useful when playing in strong winds or avoiding obstacles. Many Korean golfers often play on windy courses, making this technique highly beneficial for improving performance. In this article, we will explore the principles of hitting a low ball flight and specific practice methods to master the shot.

Golf legend Nick Faldo once described this technique as follows:
"Use a 4 or 5 iron and position the ball in the center of your stance. Keep your left side firm and rotate your body toward the target. When executing a low punch shot, ensure that your body moves past the impact point, allowing the hands and arms to bring the clubhead down naturally. Maintain a three-quarter swing and finish low and short. An aggressive swing generates backspin."

2. Basic Principles of Hitting a Low-Flight Golf Shot

1) Adjust Ball Position and Stance

  • Position the ball closer to your right foot to naturally create a downward strike.
  • Shift 60–70% of your weight to your left side to achieve a low and strong ball trajectory.

2) Maintain a Hands-Forward Position

  • Keeping your hands ahead of the ball at address creates a downward blow (down blow) impact.
  • Maintain this position throughout the swing to ensure a penetrating ball flight.

3) Control Swing Size and Tempo

  • Use a half-swing instead of a full swing and maintain a smooth, controlled tempo.
  • A swing that is too fast can result in a higher ball trajectory, so keeping a consistent rhythm is crucial.

4) Minimize Weight Shift

  • Excessive weight shift to the right can cause the ball to launch higher.
  • Keep your weight on your left side throughout the swing for a lower ball flight.

5) Choose the Right Club

  • When playing in strong winds, use one or two clubs longer than usual and make a smooth swing.
  • Using a longer club naturally slows down the swing speed, keeping the ball flight lower.

3. Practice Drills for Hitting a Low-Flight Shot

1) Table Drill

  • Grip the club slightly shorter and minimize wrist movement during the swing.
  • Place a small table in front of the ball and practice keeping the shot below the table’s height.

2) Weight Stability Drill

  • Set up with a 70:30 weight distribution favoring your left foot.
  • Maintain this balance during the backswing to prevent excessive weight shift to the right.

3) Three-Quarter Swing Drill

  • Practice controlled low shots using a three-quarter swing instead of a full swing.
  • Avoid excessive wrist movement and maintain a smooth motion.

4) Clubface Angle Drill

  • Slightly close the clubface at address to help lower the ball flight.
  • Keep your hands ahead of the ball throughout the swing and practice this position consistently.

5) Field Practice in Windy Conditions

  • Practice low shots repeatedly on a windy day to get comfortable controlling the ball’s trajectory.
  • Aim slightly lower than your target and observe how the ball reacts.

4. Latest Trends in Low-Flight Golf Shots

Recent trends in golf emphasize better control over low-ball flight techniques. Swing tempo adjustment and club selection are becoming increasingly crucial elements for hitting a successful low shot. Additionally, many golfers are utilizing advanced technology such as TrackMan and other golf simulators to analyze ball trajectory and fine-tune their shots.

Mastering the low-flight shot is achievable through consistent practice. By incorporating the drills mentioned above into your routine, you can confidently execute this technique even on windy days, just like Tiger Woods. Keep practicing and refine your swing to find the best technique that works for you!
